Equity and Digital Inclusion in Higher Education: Insights from the Digital4All Project

Since the 1980s, technology has been gradually integrated into teaching and learning practices in many countries. However, in 2020, the world experienced a great shift in their educational landscape due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Technology assumed a significant medium for teaching and learning. Acknowledging the growing significance of digital technologies in higher education, there is an increasing need to address inequalities and create effective digital learning environments among teachers and learners.


Bringing together six partner organisations from Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, Greece, and Ireland, the project has released a Transnational Report exploring equity and digital inclusion in higher education.


Here’s a closer look at the key themes and insights from this report:

  • Data analysis of desk research, surveys and focus groups organised as part of the project
  • Challenges faces in digital inclusion
  • Main needs and opportunities
  • National Policies
  • Collection of Best Practices

Read the Full Report

For a deeper dive into the challenges, opportunities, and strategies for equity and digital inclusion in higher education explore the full Transnational Report [LINK]