Digital4All – Building the capacity of universities to develop digital strategies to serve all learners aims at strengthening universities’ readiness, faculty and staff’s skills in supporting all learners to equally participate in digital learning experiences


The project aligns and supports initiatives such as the European Education Area’s strategic framework to offer equitable education in the digital era as well as the European Disability Rights Agenda 2021-2030 that directs toward actions that promote access to all environments, including the digital ones, and a quality, inclusive education, and lifelong learning.


The project will support higher education institutions in offering digital learning experiences that are inclusive and equitable for all, through appropriate strategies and practices. 

The project started on 01/12/2023 and will end on 30/11/2025.


  • HE faculty and staff including instructors/lecturers, academics, researchers, learning scientists, Ph.D. Candidates, and support staff
  • Higher education policymakers and leadership teams
  • Learning designers and educational technologists
  • HE students (indirect target group)


The specific objectives are to:

  • Build the competences of academics, learning designers, and teaching staff in designing inclusive elearning courses
  • Develop a Universal Design for Digital Inclusion Toolkit, a training course for university staff, and a platform with OER repository on designing inclusive curricula in higher education
  • Raise awareness on the need to be inclusive in the new digital era
  •  Improve the supply of quality higher education opportunities for all

By achieving these objectives, the project supports a digital transition where participation of all students is established, especially those at risk of marginalisation due to diverse needs, with resilient educators in terms of the digital and pedagogic competences needed to provide student-centred experiences. 


The project partners will work on achieving the following results: 

Material results:

  • Toolkit with 25 best practices, a practical guide and self-assessment checklist
  • Training course with pilot implementations with more than 100 HE staff and academics
  • E-learning platform with online course and more than 50 OERs


The expected non-material results are:

  • Greater understanding about university learners’ needs and challenges and how to tackle potential digital exclusion
  • Improved competencies of university faculty and staff to promote an inclusive digital transformation
  • Improved quality and relevance of digital teaching and learning in HE through inclusivity and equity

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Project number: 2023-1-FI01-KA220-HED-000152599.